The Eighteenth Judicial Circuit provides both the JACs (Judicial Automatic Calendar System) and non-automated calendaring information. JACs online scheduling is for attorneys only and requires a login. It is important to review any policies and procedures (See Policies & Procedures menu) that apply before contacting judges’ chambers. If you don’t see the docket you are looking for, within the JACs list, please be sure to look within the non-JACs Dockets and Calendars as well.
NOTE: Not all of the judges post their calendars online. Calendars are subject to change hourly, so check back frequently to guarantee accurate updates. Seminole Division W, hearings will only proceed if all exhibits/documents for the Courts consideration are electronically filed 72 hours in advance of the hearing. Noncompliance will result in cancellation or rescheduling of the hearing. A notary must be present to identify the witnesses and place them under an oath to tell the truth. × Dismiss this alert.