As to the new site agreement to be entered into on a resale:
- the terms of the previous site agreement concerning the following matters must be the same (included utilities, included facilities and services, and any other matters prescribed);
- these terms can however be varied by agreement, but the park owner must not require the home owner to do so or make entry conditional on this occurring;
- the site rent payable must not exceed the site rent, or the range of site rent, declared by the park owner in the comparison document (above).
Maintenance and capital replacement plan
- The park owner must prepare and keep a maintenance and capital replacement plan for the residential park. The details of this plan are to be prescribed by regulation.
- The plan must be revised at prescribed intervals, and changes must be notified to both the Chief Executive and the home owners committee.
Next steps
The Bill has not been passed by Parliament and is not yet law.
Instead, the Bill has been referred to the Housing, Big Build and Manufacturing Committee for review.
The relevant next steps are as follows:
- A public briefing of the Committee will be held on Tuesday, 2 April 2024.
- The Committee has called for submissions, which are due by 12.00pm, 10 April 2024.
- The Committee may set a date for a public hearing to occur for parties who have made submissions to attend.
- The Committee must report back to the Queensland Parliament as to the Bill, which will include the Committee’s recommendations and whether the Bill should be passed, which is due by 10 May 2024.
- The Government then has three months to respond to the report’s recommendations (if any).
- Once that has occurred, the Bill will go back before the Queensland Parliament for consideration and debate. If it is passed, it will be given assent and will become an Act.
If you are concerned by the Bill’s proposed amendments, it is important that you make a submission to the Committee to have your say.
Please do not hesitate to contact our Property Team should you wish to discuss the specifics of these proposed amendments and how they may affect the operation of your residential park.