Mental health act and schizophrenia

ACT is a multidisciplinary team approach to intensive case management in which the team members share a caseload, have a high frequency of patient contact (typically at least once a week), low patient to staff ratios, and provide outreach to patients in the community. ACT teams include psychiatrists as well as other mental health clinicians. This team approach allows for integration of medication management, rehabilitation, and social services. ACT treatment is typically ongoing rather than time-limited, available 24 hours a day, and highly individualized to each client’s changing needs. The goals of ACT are to reduce hospitalization rates and help clients adapt to life in the community. ACT is most appropriate for individuals who are at high risk for repeated hospitalizations and have difficulty remaining in traditional mental health treatment.

Key References (in reverse chronological order)

Clinical Resources

Training Opportunities

NAMI Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Technical Assistance Center 866-229-6264

Treatment Resources

Note: The resources provided below are intended to supplement not replace foundational training in mental health treatment and evidence-based practice