House Rental Agreement

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A House Lease Agreement is a legally binding rental contract between a landlord (lessor) and a tenant (lessee) explicitly tailored for renting a house. It contains detailed information to ensure the tenant and landlord understand all of their contractual obligations.

Why Use a House Lease Agreement?

This agreement is geared specifically toward house rentals and often contains more personable information since the owner may also live in that property or may at a later date.

Rental Situations

Reasons to have a House Lease Agreement

Drawbacks of a House Lease Agreement

What to Include in a House Lease Agreement

Renting out a house is different from renting out other types of properties. You may have plans to live at this property or sell it shortly. Make sure your agreement protects you and your property. In addition, make sure it is tailored to your house and whatever requirements are important for maintaining the property in good condition.

Essential Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions must be included:

Specific Items to Include in a House Lease Agreement

Here are the specific items you should include and a brief explanation of their purpose:

  1. Date. The date the agreement goes into effect and is being signed.
  2. Parties. This will include the landlord and all tenants that will be bound by the agreement. It is also recommended that you include the address for the landlord as well as the current address for the tenants.
  3. Occupants. If any occupants are not tenants (e.g., kids) you should list them in the House Lease Agreement as well.
  4. Purpose. This is a house. Make sure it is clear that the house will be used as a residential dwelling only.
  5. Premises. The full property address of the house should be included at the beginning of the agreement. You may also want to include the number of bedrooms and bathrooms. If you are sharing the premises with your tenant you will want to include which rooms the tenant will be renting and which are common areas.
  6. Furnishings. Include whether or not the house will come furnished. For any furnishings being provided, include a description of those items.
  7. Appliances. Indicate which, if any appliances, will be provided by the landlord.
  8. Lease Term. The agreement should indicate whether this is a fixed-term lease or a month-to-month lease. If a fixed-term lease, it should include the start and end date of the lease. If a month-to-month lease, it should include when the lease starts and the required notice for ending the lease. Many states require a certain amount of notice for terminating a month-to-month lease.
  9. Rent. Include the amount due each month, the date it’s due and the method tenants can use to pay their rent (e.g., check, online transfer, etc.). You can also include a request for the first and last month’s rent in advance.
  10. Other Payment Terms. If applicable, you should address other payment terms such as returned checks fees, prepayment, rent increases, and how to handle a prorated period.
  11. Late Rent. You should also include any details on what will occur for late rent payments. Just be aware of your state’s laws as it applies to the amount of a late fee you can charge and whether or not there is a required grace period. Click here for more information on handling issues with past-due rent.
  12. Security Deposit. A security deposit is a reimbursable deposit used to protect the landlord in case a tenant violates the lease or causes damage beyond normal wear and tear to your house. Include the amount required for the security deposit (usually equal to one month’s rent) as well as what items can be deducted from the security deposit. In this section, you should also include how the security deposit will be returned to the tenant. Click here for specific information on your state’s security deposit laws.
  13. Condition. It is a good idea to make sure you have a short clause that requires the tenant to acknowledge that they received the house in good condition.
  14. Assignment. Indicate whether or not you will allow the tenant to sublet (grant license to other individuals to use) your house or not.
  15. Right of Entry. There will likely come a time when a landlord will need to enter the house the tenant is renting. Make sure you have a clause that highlights the amount of notice you will provide tenants as well as the reasons you are allowed to enter the premises. Similar to late fees, the right of entry is subject to specific state laws.
  16. Alterations and Improvements. Specify under what circumstances alterations and improvements can be made by the tenant. Also, this section should discuss unauthorized alterations and improvements and who owns any alterations or improvements that have been made.
  17. Non-Delivery of Possession. Discusses the landlord’s obligation to turn over the house to the tenant at the beginning of the lease and the consequences if a landlord fails to do so.
  18. Hazardous Materials. Prohibition against tenants keeping certain dangerous materials in any portion of the house they are renting.
  19. Utilities. Landlords should list the utilities that they will provide and inform the tenant that they are responsible for setting up and paying all other utilities.
  20. Maintenance, Repair, and Rules. Provides who is responsible for the general maintenance and repair of the house as well as any rules that must be followed in making those repairs.
  21. Pets. This section should indicate whether or not pets are allowed, what kind of pets, how many, and if there will be a pet fee.
  22. Quiet Enjoyment. The landlord promises to ensure that the tenant will be able to peacefully enjoy the use of the landlord’s house.
  23. Indemnification. Tenant’s agreement to not hold the landlord liable for any damages the landlord did not directly cause.
  24. Default. The rights and consequences if either party violates the House Lease Agreement.
  25. Abandonment. The Landlord’s rights if the tenant abandons the house.
  26. Attorneys’ Fees. Tenant’s agreement to pay the landlord’s attorney fees if they violate the lease or other applicable laws, rules, or codes.
  27. Compliance with Law. Tenant’s agreement to comply with all laws.
  28. Severability. Any invalid provisions do not impact other valid provisions in the agreement.
  29. Binding Effect. The agreement is binding on not just the parties signing the agreement, but their heirs, successors, and legal representatives as well.
  30. Modification. No changes to the agreement may be made unless in writing and all parties to this agreement sign it.
  31. Notice. This section will include the addresses of the landlord and tenant to send each other notices.
  32. Parking. A House Lease Agreement will usually discuss the tenant’s use of the driveway and, in some cases, a garage.
  33. Early Termination. Whether or not the tenant has a right to terminate a lease early along with the required notice and any fee that may be charged for early termination.
  34. Smoking Policy. Whether smoking is prohibited or not and, if allowed, the specific locations smoking is allowed.
  35. Disputes. Both parties agree to negotiate any disputes before taking legal action.
  36. Retaliation. Prohibits the landlord from taking any retaliatory actions against the tenant.
  37. Equal Housing. The landlord must provide reasonable modifications to accommodate a tenant’s mental or physical impairment.
  38. Property Deemed Uninhabitable. Provides the tenant a right to terminate the lease if the property is uninhabitable. It also provides that tenants will be liable to the landlord for any damages and lost money that was the result of the tenant’s negligence.
  39. Lead-Based Paint Disclosures. Requirement for the landlord to provide a Lead-Based Paint Disclosure if any part of the house was constructed before 1978.
  40. Entire Agreement. The agreement and any attachments are the complete agreement. Any prior negotiations or understandings, written or oral, are null and void.
  41. Signatures. Signatures are required from the Landlord as well as all tenants that are part of the agreement. These signatures are what make the agreement officially binding.

Other Clauses

Above were items you will see in virtually every House Lease Agreement. Here are some additional clauses you should consider including:

  1. Additional Terms Specific to Your House. Renting a house is a delicate situation. Make sure you highlight any specific aspects of your house that you want to address with the tenant. This could be anything from maintenance of the lawn to use of certain areas (e.g., garage).
  2. Governing Law. You may also want to specifically state that the laws of the state (and city, if applicable) govern the agreement.
  3. Option to Purchase. This clause is used in agreements in which parties agree to a payment structure in which the tenant can eventually own the property.
  4. Sale of House. If you are even contemplating selling your house, you may want to include a clause with details on what will happen and a tenant’s rights if the landlord/owner decides to sell the house.
  5. Agent/Manager. If you have someone else manage your house rental, include a clause with their contact information.
  6. Noise/Waste. This clause requires the tenant to agree to not commit waste or allow nuisances at the house. This clause will also require the tenant to agree to follow any local noise ordinances.
  7. Guests. Provides details on how long guests are allowed to stay at the house, both with and without the landlord’s written permission.
  8. Joint and Individual Liability. When there are multiple tenants, the tenants agree to be jointly and individually liable for the entire agreement. That is, you may be liable for another tenant’s violation of the House Lease Agreement.
  9. Waiver. A landlord’s waiver of one breach by a tenant does not mean they waive other breaches of the agreement.
  10. Guarantor. Some lease agreements will have what’s known as a guarantor. This is a person that will take care of any financial obligations if a tenant fails to pay their rent.

Additional Items to Include with the House Lease Agreement

Depending on the state your house is located, you may be required to provide additional disclosures and addendums. Besides the specific content above, here are some additional items you may need or want to include:

  1. Lead-Based Paint Disclosure
  2. Asbestos Disclosure
  3. Bed Bug Addendum
  4. Pet Addendum
  5. Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Detector Addendum
  6. Flood Zone Disclosure
  7. Mold Disclosure
  8. Shared Utilities Disclosure
  9. Move In Inspection Checklist
  10. Move Out Checklist

It’s a good idea to have a separate cover page listing the disclosures and addendums that are part of the agreement. This will help avoid confusion as to what additional documents are part of the agreement.

Final Things to Consider

  1. Understanding Key Terms. Lease agreements usually contain some legal terms and words that are unfamiliar. If you do not fully understand any legal terms or words, it is a good idea to have an attorney review the document and help you better understand the meaning of the various clauses in the agreement.
  2. Keep a Signed Copy. Both the landlord and all tenants should have a signed copy of the agreement.

Legal Information for House Lease Agreements

When preparing the agreement you will have certain sections that must be specific to your state’s laws. For these sections, it is important to know those laws to ensure your agreement is fully compliant.

Security Deposit Laws

The amount of security deposit a landlord can withhold is based on the state your property is located. Use the chart below for inputting specific information in your agreement regarding the tenant’s security deposit:

State Security Deposit Limit
Alabama 1 month’s rent
Alaska 2 months’ rent
Arizona 2 months’ rent
Arkansas 2 months’ rent only for rentals with landlords who have 6 units or more
California 2 months’ rent (unfurnished unit); 3 months’ rent (furnished unit)
Colorado Not addressed
Connecticut 2 months’ rent but for tenants 62 years of age or older, 1 month’s rent
Delaware 1 month’s rent only for leases with a term of 1 year or more; For month-to-month tenancies, no limit for the first year, but after that, the limit is one month’s rent
Florida No statutory limit
Georgia No statutory limit
Hawaii 1 month’s rent. Landlords may require an additional 1 month’s rent as a security deposit for tenants who keep a pet.
Idaho No statutory limit
Illinois No statutory limit
Indiana No statutory limit
Iowa Two months’ rent
Kansas 1 ½ months’ rent (furnished unit); 1 month’s rent(unfurnished unit)
Kentucky No statutory limit
Louisiana No statutory limit
Maine 2 month’s rent
Maryland 2 month’s rent
Massachusetts 1 month’s rent
Michigan 1 ½ months’ rent
Minnesota No statutory limit
Mississippi No statutory limit
Missouri Two months’ rent
Montana No statutory limit
Nebraska 1 month’s rent (no pets); 1 and 1/4 months’ rent (pets)
Nevada 3 months’ rent
New Hampshire 1 month’s rent or $100, whichever is greater
New Jersey 1 ½ months’ rent
New Mexico 1 month’s rent only for leases with a term of less than 1 year; no limit for longer leases
New York 1 month’s limit for units other than those subject to the City Rent and Rehabilitation Law or the Emergency Housing Rent Control Law.
North Carolina 1 and 1/2 months’ rent for month-to-month rental agreements; 2 months’ rent if a term is longer than 2 months; may add an additional “reasonable” non-refundable pet deposit.
North Dakota 1 month’s rent
Ohio No statutory limit
Oklahoma No statutory limit
Oregon No statutory limit
Pennsylvania 2 months’ rent; 1 month’s rent for leases that are renewed beyond the first year
Rhode Island 1 month’s rent
South Carolina No statutory limit
South Dakota 1 month’s rent
Tennessee No statutory limit
Texas No statutory limit
Utah No statutory limit
Vermont No statutory limit
Virginia 2 months’ rent
Washington No statutory limit
Washington D.C. One month’s rent
West Virginia No statutory limit
Wisconsin No statutory limit
Wyoming No statutory limit

In addition to the amount and time allowed for returning a security deposit, you want to make sure that the reasons you list in your agreement for withholding a security deposit are in agreement with your state’s laws. For more information, check out our detailed information on security deposit laws here.

What’s Next?

Executing the Lease Terms

After all parties have reviewed the House Lease Agreement here is what’s next:

Move In Inspection

Before the tenant moves in, you will also want to schedule a time to conduct a Move In Inspection with your tenant. In the following states it’s actually a requirement:

State Requirement
Arizona All New Tenancies
Georgia Only if Collecting a Security Deposit
Hawaii All New Tenancies
Kansas All New Tenancies
Kentucky Only if Collecting a Security Deposit
Maryland All New Tenancies
Massachusetts Only if Collecting a Security Deposit
Michigan Only if Collecting a Security Deposit
Montana Only if Collecting a Security Deposit
Nevada All New Tenancies
North Dakota All New Tenancies
Virginia All New Tenancies
Washington Only if Collecting a Security Deposit

Using a Tenant Move In Checklist, this inspection should document the condition of the property before a tenant moves in. This inspection will ensure that the property is in good condition for the tenant and that the tenant has a clear understanding of the landlord’s expectations for the property when moving out.

Other Rental Templates & Forms

Lease Non-Renewal Letter

Lease Extension Addendum

Lead Based Paint Disclosure Form

Rent Increase Notice Letter

Security Deposit Return Letter

Notice to Tenant to Clean